Category: Uncategorized

  • Trelby – Free Software App For Screenwriting

    Several times in the past, I’ve dabbled with writing things in script/screenplay format. The basic of screenplay formatting are simple enough that you reproduce them in a Word Processor easily enough, but it always seemed like it would be useful to have a dedicated piece of software for it. Unfortunately, whenever I looked, I only […]

  • Virtually a Reality

    Recently, John Carmack, of id software fame, announced that he is working on a new virtual reality headset. Carmack is a fantastically intelligent and interesting guy, and it’s well know that when a journalist asks him a question about technology, he never gives a soundbite or a vague answer. Instead, he expounds at length, in […]

  • Recipe for a British TV Science Documentary

    Time-lapse footage of the natural world: the sun rising, ice melting, trees moving in the wind. Ponderous voice-over introduction with vague description of the topic at hand. Footage of people walking around the streets of a city. Scientist in the street, staring silently into the camera. Scientist in the street, posing awkwardly and staring into […]