Category: Uncategorized

  • Race For The South Pole by Roland Huntford

    I recently finished reading Race For The South Pole by Roland Huntford. Prior to reading the book I knew little of polar exploration, and was only vaguely aware of the Captain Scott legend via its permeation of British popular culture. I knew roughly that Scott had lead a failed antarctic expedition of some sort, and in particular […]

  • Grid Layout comin’ to a Webkit near you

    I heard on twitter from my homeboy Peter Beverloo1 that Google are gonna start implementing CSS Grid Layout in Webkit. This is rad news for web devs, for a few reasons: Firstly, CSS Grid Layout is just great. It’s a proposal from Microsoft on a new way to layout HTML components via CSS. See, one […]

  • Development Developments

    Work has been pretty crazy over the last few months, hence my not finding the time to write much here. As evidenced by my previous posts, when I do write I tend to ramble on for pages at a time, so rattling off a quick new post here and there wasn’t really an option. However, […]