Author: Jon

  • Embedded Tweets, rate limits, and the oEmbed API

    This is going to be a little winding, but bear with me; I’m thinking out loud here. In version 3.4, WordPress added a feature whereby Twitter URLs that are entered as plain text into a post are automatically converted to an embedded tweet. Apparently this has been a feature on hosted blogs for a […]

  • Cheap Thrills

    Most people with a job that involves computers inevitably have a second, unpaid gig as first-line technical support for their family, and I am no exception. So it was that today I found myself investigating why my mum’s laptop, an Acer Aspire, had recently begun to run very slowly. Eventually I tracked the problem down […]

  • If You’re Feeling Curious

    In the encroaching era of internet-dominated content, it’s possible to become slightly despondent about the future of professional quality filmed journalism and documentaries. When traditional television channels have disappeared, will the so-called “new media” have the money and necessary skills to produce material of the same quality as the old-guard, or do we face an […]