Author: Jon
Improving the web platform with animated UI
This blog post is an expanded version of a comment I wrote for Bruce Lawson’s blog post about what the web platform needs next (it hasn’t shown up at the time of writing, so it’s either held in moderation or didn’t submit properly). The ideas it contains are things I’ve been thinking about for a while […]
Today Google announced they are forking Webkit to make their own layout engine called Blink. Like most people, I’m of the opinion that this is a positive development. As someone who follows the development of the web platform in geeky detail, it’s been obvious for a while that some sort of split in the WebKit […]
Engross: Distraction-free writing for the web
I really enjoy writing, and when I’m writing, I really enjoy using a distraction-free editor. These are editors that occupy the whole of the screen, eliminating ancillary UI elements in order to help you focus on the writing alone. Maybe it’s just a placebo effect, but I do find these kinds of editor help me […]