Author: Jon

  • Polymer

    At their IO 2013 conference, Google officially launched Polymer, a new library for front-end development. It might seem odd that Google are launching another library, after all, they already have Angular, GWT, Dart Web UI and Closure, why create yet another one? However, Polymer is a bit of a different proposition that those libraries, and […]

  • Attempt to transcribe the lyrics to Katrien by Mogwai

    I’ve always loved the song Katrien by Mogwai, from their album Mogwai Young Team. It’s often classed as an instrumental, but there are spoken vocals, although they are low in the mix and frequently drowned out almost completely by the music. According to the band themselves, the words are then-member Brendan O’Hare “talking shite about […]

  • Game of Thrones: The Bear and the Maiden Fair

    It’s always fascinating to watch an episode of Game of Thrones written by George R R Martin. The show has departed from the source novels in a lot of ways, mostly small, occasionally large. Often it’s a matter of necessity, as a completely faithful adaptation would require ten times the episode count and a thousand […]